sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

The Joy of the Righteous by Salvador.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good because His mercy endures forever. Say for Israel: Yes Your love endures forever. Say, then, the house of Aaron: Yes, His love endures forever. In the midst of tribulation, called upon the Lord and the Lord heard me and gave me slack. The Lord is with me, not fear. What can man do to me? Psalm 118:1 to 6.

   Keep in mind that God is with you. Put yourself always before the Lord and ask Him for everything that goes with you. Not that he did not know, He wants you to talk to Him all that is in your heart because He delights in honesty. No matter what others do, did or failed to do, worry with your salvation, what is most important.

   Never doubt that the Lord is with thee. Even if nobody is on your side, the most important person is. And that person is the Lord Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Seek Him while you can find. In the deserts reached the favor of God.

   In the world we live in today, The Lord seeks those who have not yet been saved, those who do not know His Word. Either by earthquakes, landslides, violence or many deaths. At that time what we do is help yes, but pray and seek God more, because His coming is near.

   All these phenomena of nature are proof that those who have not yet been saved, has little time to tinker with God and ensure their salvation. Therefore search, put on my knees and pray to the Lord. His prayer need not be perfect, his prayer has to come from within you.

   Meditate on His Word and all that is happening around them, repent of everything you have done wrong, and seek His salvation, seek His kingdom and His righteousness.

   Stay strong with God.

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