quinta-feira, 1 de julho de 2010

The Brigedroom.

Previously, emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, becoming in the likeness of men: And being found in the human figure, himself humbled himself, becoming obedient unto death, death on the cross. Philippians 2:7,8.

The Lord Jesus walked with his people, healed, set free and taught. None of those who went with him to accept His Word and His Power, only the Twelve Disciples. When out of his land, and arrived in Galilee, was accepted because they knew the miracles that the Lord Jesus was doing. Why did the Lord Jesus was not accepted by his people? By who challenged while he healed? He, as Son of God, had to go through all that he passed. The Lord Jesus was called to be our Saviour and deliverer. And whosoever believeth in Him shall be saved.

Jesus was humiliated, it was accepted by the people, died on the cross for those who love The Single accepted as Lord and Savior. He died in the flesh, but lives in us through the Holy Spirit. And who has the Holy Spirit are those who accept and recognize as the Son of God.

If you analyze your sacrifice, we realize that He emptied himself. The rejection, contempt, humiliation on the cross was to die for the meat and be full of the Holy Spirit. All that the Lord Jesus came, was in the flesh, the flesh has to die to do the will of God.

This is to have wisdom and be focused on a goal: To obey God, 'because he has sent the Lord Jesus, for the sake of all who accept it as One Lord and walk in His paths. Seeing the story of Jesus without the spiritual vision, it seems more a story of the past, but for those of faith who has a spiritual vision, is an example to be followed.

To bear reproach for the Lord, the flesh to die for love of the Lord, doing His will for love of the Lord, this is worthy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Many have had the privilege to walk with the Lord Jesus and few heard him and practiced his teachings. Your people, the past, rejected Him. Today we are privileged to have the Lord Jesus in us through the Holy Spirit.

The Lord Jesus went through everything for the coming of the Comforter. AND Comforter is with us today until the return of the Lord Jesus. Yes yes, that He will come back and take with those who endured it all for love of Him That's wonderful, so do not worry if you are rejected. The Lord Jesus Himself was rejected too. If this happened to him, let alone us, His children. Hallelujah!

If everyone knew how wonderful God is, do not lose your time looking for flaws in each other, not judge each other and yes, always look for before the Lord through prayer and fasting. There are times I prefer to be fasting than reading newscasts, watch tv, because then I'm more close to my Lord, and there is nothing better than looking always be in contact with God. Of course the fast varies with each. Can be of three hours for the beginner and hors increase gradually.

The Sons of God are not the world, so the rejection. We live here, but we're not here. Thank God. 'They are not of the world, but I'm not. "John 17:16.

Stay strong with God.

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